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Meie ladudes on üle 500 000 elektroonika- ja hooldustoote, mis jõuavad teieni kiirelt, lihtsalt ja mugavalt.

We have five product categories that are built to service our four target customer groups and there are clear, distinct strategies for each. Our semiconductors, interconnect, passives and electromechanical (IP&E) and automation and control (A&C) categories are actively promoted and are the primary growth driver for the Group.

We aim to defend and grow our electrical, test and measurement and tools and consumables categories, whilst focusing on return on stock.


Pooljuhtkomponendid, nagu näiteks mikrokontrollerid, transistorid, dioodid ja pingeregulaatorid on vaid väike osa mistahes elektroonikaseadme tootmiseks. Meilt leiad suurima valiku uusimaid kõrgekvaliteedilisi komponente.

Interconnect, Passives and Electromechanical (IP&E)

Virtually all electronic and electrical systems require IP&E components, from resistors and switches to heavy duty connectors for industrial applications. Thanks to the strong relationships we have with our IP&E suppliers, we can offer our customers quick, easy access to a comprehensive range including the most innovative components on the market..

automaatika ja juhtimissüsteemid

Püüame olla teile nr 1tarnija sellel alal.

Elektri-, test- ja mõõteseadmed

Electrical, test and measurement products are vital in all areas of engineering, from the testing and calibration of medical equipment to the installation of lighting in a commercial building. The portfolio ranges from mains and network cabling, oscilloscopes and multimeters, to fluorescent tubes and LED lamps.

Tööriistad ja kulumaterjal

Our tools and consumables range encompasses everything that our customers need to support the product lifecycle, from research and development through to maintenance and repair. This includes basic work tools such as spanners, soldering and tool sets, every day consumables such as batteries, adhesive tapes and protective gloves, right through to the very latest technology, such as 3D printers, IT hardware and advanced power tools.